.. raw:: html .. role:: green .. _cabd-rest-services: CABD REST API Services ###################### .. _api-overview: Overview ******** ----- .. _api-projection: Projection ========== All coordinates are returned in latitude/longitude (EPSG:4617). .. _api-max-features: Max Features ============ For all the feature API end points below, the application returns a maximum of 55,000 features. This is configurable and may be modified if required. .. _api-specification: API Specification ================= The latest Open API v3 specification can be found on the server: https://cabd-web.azurewebsites.net/cabd-api/v3/api-docs.yaml (YAML) https://cabd-web.azurewebsites.net/cabd-api/v3/api-docs (JSON) .. _api-endpoints: API End Points ************** ----- The base API server for the CABD end points is: ``https://cabd-web.azurewebsites.net/cabd-api``. .. note:: The API requests detailed in the following sections may contain one or more parameters (enclosed in chevrons, i.e. < >, and accentuated with the colour :green:`green`). If an API request is being made using one or more of the parameters listed, the chosen parameter must be replaced with an appropriate pre-defined value. **Example:** |requestex1| .. _feature-type-endpoints: Feature Type Metadata End Points ================================ The output format of all Feature Type End points is ``JSON``. Existing feature types are: ``barriers``, ``dams``, ``waterfalls``, ``fishways``, ``medium``, and ``big``. See :ref:`Implemented Feature Model` for definitions of each feature type. ``/features/types/`` Returns the list of feature types. Each feature type object includes a URL that lists the metadata for that feature type and a URL to list all features for that time. .. note:: Some types may be super types that contain data from a collection of other types (e.g., barriers is a super type that contains dam and waterfall features). |fttype| Returns a description of the feature type. This description includes all attributes, names, and other metadata associated with the feature type. In addition, the metadata includes display details for attributes, including the details of which attributes should be included in the “simple” display and which included in the “all” attributes display. .. admonition:: Example ``https://cabd-web.azurewebsites.net/cabd-api/features/types/dams`` returns a ``JSON`` with the description of the ``dams`` feature type. .. _feature-endpoints: Feature End Points ================== |ftid| Returns a single feature based on its ID, which is provided as ````. This will include all of the attributes specific to the type of feature. Therefore, the schema of this resource is variable based on the feature type. ``/features`` |ftbbox| |ftpoint| |ftfilter| |ftnamefilter| Returns all features that match the given query parameters. Multiple query options can be provided in a single request, however only one of ``bbox`` or ``point`` should be specified. Query options include: - ``bbox`` - Only include features which intersect the provided bounding box. The bounding box coordinates should be provided in latitude/longitude: |bboxcoords| - ``point`` - Returns the nearest features to the given point. The point should be provided in latitude/longitude: |latlong| - ``max-results`` - The maximum number of features to return. - ``types`` - The feature types to query. - ``filter`` - A filter string that filters features based on attributes. Can be provided more than once. Multiple filters are combined using logical AND. See below for more details on the filter format. - ``namefilter`` - A filter string that filters features based on all name attributes (en & fr). Multiple namefilters can be provided. If multiple are provided they are combined using logical OR. See below for more details on namefilter. |ftstype| |ftsbbox| |ftspoint| |ftsfilter| Returns a list of the features of the given type (e.g., dams, waterfalls, etc.). Query options are the same as for the ``/features`` endpoint (see above). ``/tiles/z/x/y.mvt`` Returns a vector tile of all barrier features. |tilestype| Returns a vector tile of all features for the given type. Feature End Point Examples -------------------------- Return all dam features in the NHN watershed 02OE000: ``https://cabd-web.azurewebsites.net/cabd-api/features/dams?filter=nhn_watershed_id:eq:02OE000`` Return all fishway features within the bounding box [(-95.16,41.66), (-74.34,56.86)]: ``https://cabd-web.azurewebsites.net/cabd-api/features/fishways?bbox=-95.16,41.66,-74.34,56.86`` Return all waterfall features in Quebec: ``https://cabd-web.azurewebsites.net/cabd-api/features/waterfalls?filter=province_territory_code:eq:qc`` Return all fishway features that are associated with a dam structure: ``https://cabd-web.azurewebsites.net/cabd-api/features/fishways?filter=dam_id:notnull:`` Return all dam features with a use code of 2 (Hydroelectricity): ``https://cabd-web.azurewebsites.net/cabd-api/features/dams?filter=use_code:eq:2`` Return all dam features with a use code of 2 (Hydroelectricity) and a pool and weir fishway (up_passage_type_code = 3): ``https://cabd-web.azurewebsites.net/cabd-api/features/dams?filter=use_code:eq:2&filter=up_passage_type_code:eq:3`` .. _feature-endpoints-filter: Filter ------ Provides a basic option for filtering features based on the feature attributes. - If the filter attribute name provided is not valid for the feature type, then an error will be returned (HTTP status code ``400 - Bad Request``) - Works in addition to the ``bbox`` filter described above (logically ANDed with the bbox) - Multiple filters can be provided and they will be combined with logical ``AND``, represented by the ``&`` symbol in API requests - String filters are case insensitive (for ``eq``, ``neq``, ``in`` and ``like`` operators) Filter request format: |filterreq| .. csv-table:: :file: tbl/filter-format.csv :widths: 30, 70 :header-rows: 1 .. admonition:: Example ``/features/dams?bbox=0,0,1,1&filter=passability_status_code:in:1,2&filter=nhn_watershed_id:eq:08GABX1`` This request will return all dam features with a passability status code of 1 (Barrier) or 2 (Partial Barrier) in the NHN work unit 08GABX1 within the bounding box [(0 0), (1 1)]. .. note:: .. container:: toggle .. container:: header Click the arrow below to expand a **searchable list of filterable attributes** with coded and allowable values where applicable. Please note that filters on any attributes with coded values need to specify the code instead of the associated name (i.e., a filter on the operating_status_code attribute should specify a value of 1 for abandoned/orphaned dams: ``&filter=operating_status_code:eq:1``). .. table:: :class: datatable :widths: 15, 20, 30, 35 ========================== ===================================== =============================== ============================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================== Feature Type Attribute Name Filter Attribute Name Allowable Values ========================== ===================================== =============================== ============================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================== Dams, waterfalls Passability status passability_status_code 1-barrier, 2-partial barrier, 3-passable, 4-unknown Dams Operating status operating_status_code 1-abandoned/orphaned, 2-active, 3-decommissioned/removed, 4-retired/closed, 5-unknown, 6-remediated Dams Ownership type ownership_type_code 1-charity/non-profit, 2-federal, 3-municipal, 4-private, 5-provincial/territorial, 6-other, 7-unknown, 8-indigenous Dams Dam use use_code 1-irrigation, 2-hydroelectricity, 3-water supply, 4-flood control, 5-recreation, 6-navigation, 7-fisheries, 8-pollution control, 9-invasive species control, 10-other, 11-unknown Dams Dam size size_class_code 1-small, 2-medium, 3-large, 4-unknown Dams, waterfalls, fishways Province/territory name province_territory_code ab-alberta, bc-british columbia, mb-manittoba, nb-new brunswick, nl-newfoundland and labrador, ns-nova scotia, nt-northwest territories, nu-nunavut, on-ontario, pe-prince edward island, qc-quebec, sk-saskatchewan, us-united states, yt-yukon Dams Dam height (m) height_m n/a Dams Construction year construction_year n/a Dams Upstream passage type up_passage_type_code 1-denil, 2-nature-like fishway, 3-pool and weir, 4-pool and weir with hole, 5-trap and truck, 6-vertical slot, 7-other, 8-no structure, 9-unknown Dams Dam function function_code 1-storage, diversion, 3-detention, 4-debris, 6-saddle, 7-hydro - closed-cycle pumped storage, 8-hydro - conventional storage, 9-hydro - open-cycle pumped storage, 10-hydro - run-of-river, 11-hydro - tidal, 12-other, 13-unknown Dams Use irrigation use_irrigation_code 1-main, 2-major, 3-secondary Dams Use hydroelectricity use_electricity_code 1-main, 2-major, 3-secondary Dams Use water supply use_supply_code 1-main, 2-major, 3-secondary Dams Use flood control use_floodcontrol_code 1-main, 2-major, 3-secondary Dams Use recreation use_recreation_code 1-main, 2-major, 3-secondary Dams Use navigation use_navigation_code 1-main, 2-major, 3-secondary Dams Use fisheries use_fish_code 1-main, 2-major, 3-secondary Dams Use pollution control use_pollution_code 1-main, 2-major, 3-secondary Dams Use invasive species use_invasivespecies_code 1-main, 2-major, 3-secondary Dams Use other use_other_code 1-main, 2-major, 3-secondary Dams Construction type construction_type_code 1-arch, 2-buttress, 3-earth, 4-gravity, 5-multiple arch, 6-rock, 7-steel, 8-timber, 9-unknown, 10-other, 11-concrete, 12-masonry Dams Spillway type spillway_type_code 1-combined, 2-free, 3-gated, 4-other, 5-none, 6-unknown Dams Turbine type turbine_type_code 1-cross-flow, 2-francis, 3-kaplan, 4-pelton, 5-unknown, 6-other Dams Downstream passage route down_passage_route_code 1-bypass, 2-river channel, 3-spillway, 4-turbine Dams, waterfalls, fishways Completeness level complete_level_code 1-unverified, 2-minimal, 3-moderate, 4-complete Dams Lake control lake_control_code 1-yes, 2-enlarged, 3-maybe Dams Dam condition condition_code 1-good, 2-fair, 3-poor, 4-unreliable Waterfalls Waterfall height fall_height_m n/a Fishways Fishway type fishpass_type_code 1-denil, 2-nature-like fishway, 3-pool and weir, 4-pool and weir with hole, 5-trap and truck, 6-vertical slot, 7-other, 8-no structure, 9-unknown Fishways Year constructed year_constructed n/a Dams, waterfalls, fishways Municipality municipality n/a Dams Dam name (English) dam_name_en n/a Dams Dam name (French) dam_name_fr n/a Dams, waterfalls, fishways Waterbody name (English) waterbody_name_en n/a Dams, waterfalls, fishways Waterbody name (French) waterbody_name_fr n/a Dams, waterfalls, fishways Barrier/system Identifier cabd_id n/a Dams Reservoir name (English) reservoir_name_en n/a Dams Reservoir name (French) reservoir_name_fr n/a Dams, waterfalls, fishways NHN Watershed ID nhn_watershed_id n/a Dams, waterfalls, fishways Used for Network Analysis use_analysis true, false Waterfalls Waterfall name (English) fall_name_en n/a Waterfalls Waterfall name (French) fall_name_fr n/a Dams Generating capacity (MWh) generating_capacity_mwh n/a Dams Federal compliance status federal_compliance_status n/a Dams Provincial compliance status provincial_compliance_status n/a Dams, fishways Operating notes operating_notes n/a Dams Removed year removed_year n/a Dams Assessment schedule assess_schedule n/a Dams Expected life (years) expected_life n/a Dams Next maintenance date maintenance_next n/a Dams Last maintenance date maintenance_last n/a Dams Dam length (m) length_m n/a Dams Spillway Capacity (m3/s) spillway_capacity n/a Dams Reservoir present reservoir_present true, false Dams Reservoir area(km2) reservoir_area_skm n/a Dams Reservoir depth (m) reservoir_depth_m n/a Dams Storage Capacity (mcm) storage_capacity_mcm n/a Dams Average rate of discharge (L/s) avg_rate_of_discharge_ls n/a Dams Degree of regulation (%) degree_of_regulation_pc n/a Dams Provincial flow requirements (m3/s) provincial_flow_req n/a Dams Federal flow requirements (m3/s) federal_flow_req n/a Dams Catchment Area (km2) catchment_area_skm n/a Dams Hydro peaking system hydro_peaking_system n/a Dams Number of turbines turbine_number n/a Dams, waterfalls, fishways Last modified last_modified n/a Dams, waterfalls, fishways Comments comments n/a Dams Upstream linear length (km) upstream_linear_km n/a Dams Facility name (English) facility_name_en n/a Dams Facility name (French) facility_name_fr n/a Fishways Monitoring equipment monitoring_equipment n/a Fishways Architect architect n/a Fishways Contracted by contracted_by n/a Fishways Constructed by constructed_by n/a Fishways Plans held by plans_held_by n/a Fishways Purpose purpose n/a Fishways Dam Identifier dam_id n/a Fishways Designed based on biology designed_on_biology n/a Fishways Fishway length (m) length_m n/a Fishways Elevation (m) elevation_m n/a Fishways Gradient (%) gradient n/a Fishways Depth (m) depth (m) n/a Fishways Entrance location entrance_location_code 1-midstream, 2-bank Fishways Entrance position entrance_position_code 1-bottom, 2-surface, 3-bottom and surface, 4-mid-column Fishways Is modified modified n/a Fishways Modification year modification_year n/a Fishways Modification purpose modification_purpose n/a Fishways Structure name (English) structure_name_en n/a Fishways Structure name (French) structure_name_fr n/a Fishways Operated by operated_by n/a Fishways Operation period operation_period n/a Fishways Has evaluating studies has_evaluating_studies true, false Fishways Nature of evaluating studies nature_of_evaluation_studies n/a Fishways Engineering notes engineering_notes n/a Fishways Maximum Velocity of Water Flow (m/s) max_fishway_velocity_ms n/a Fishways Average Velocity of Water Flow (m/s) mean_fishway_velocity_ms n/a Fishways Attraction Estimate (%) estimate_of_attraction_pct n/a Fishways Transit Success Estimate (%) estimate_of_passage_success_pct n/a Fishways Evaluating study/reference identifier fishway_reference_id n/a Fishways River name (English) river_name_en n/a Fishways River name (French) river_name_fr n/a ========================== ===================================== =============================== ============================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================== .. _feature-endpoints-namefilter: Name Filter ----------- Provides an option for filtering features based on all the name attributes associated with the feature types. The “name” attributes are different for each feature type and specified by the database metadata. Generally, name attributes will just include the English and French names for a feature, but may include other fields as well. The name filter works in addition to the ``bbox`` filter described above (logically ANDed with the bbox). Multiple name filters can be provided and they will be combined with logical ``OR``, represented by the ``&`` symbol in API requests. All comparisons are case insensitive (holden = Holden = HOLDEN). Name Filter request format: |namefilterreq| .. csv-table:: :file: tbl/namefilter-format.csv :widths: 30, 70 :header-rows: 1 .. admonition:: Example ``/features/dams?bbox=0,0,1,1&filtername=like:holden`` This will return all dam features within the bounding box [(0 0), (1 1)] and an english or french name like “holden”. Examples ^^^^^^^^ Return all dam features with an English or French name like “holden” (case insensitive): ``https://cabd-web.azurewebsites.net/cabd-api/features/dams?&namefilter=like:holden`` Return all dam features with an English or French name like “churchill falls” (case insensitive): ``https://cabd-web.azurewebsites.net/cabd-api/features/dams?&namefilter=like:churchill+falls`` Return all dam features with an English or French name like “churchill falls” or “revelstoke” (case insensitive): ``https://cabd-web.azurewebsites.net/cabd-api/features/dams?&namefilter=like:churchill+falls&namefilter=like:revelstoke`` Return all fishway features with a structure name like “grand falls” (case insensitive): ``https://cabd-web.azurewebsites.net/cabd-api/features/fishways?&namefilter=like:grand+falls`` .. _feature-endpoints-format: Format ------ The default output format is GeoJSON, but additional formats can be returned by supplying the format query parameter. The format parameter can be combined with the attribute filters and name filters described above. Examples ^^^^^^^^ Return all dam features in the NHN watershed 08GABX1 in geopackage format: ``https://cabd-web.azurewebsites.net/cabd-api/features/dams?filter=nhn_watershed_id:eq:08GABX1&format=geopackage`` Return all dam features with a use code of 2 (Hydroelectricity) in geopackage format: ``https://cabd-web.azurewebsites.net/cabd-api/features/dams?filter=use_code:eq:2&format=geopackage`` Supported Formats ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The following formats are supported for feature endpoints that return a collection of features. - ``geopackage``/ ``gpkg`` - outputs geopackage file - ``shp`` – outputs shapefile - ``kml`` – outputs kml file - ``json``/ ``geojson`` - outputs GeoJSON (default) - ``csv`` – outputs csv file The single feature endpoints only return GeoJSON output. All exports (except csv) include data metadata that includes the feature type version number, download datetime, and license information. For json this is included in the feature collection metadata, for shp and additional csv metadata file is included in the zip package, for kml it is included as "extendedData", and for geopackage it is included as an additional non-spatial metadata layer. .. note:: The best way to download data for multiple feature types using the API is to use the ``/features/`` While the /features/ endpoint will return features from multiple feature types, the list of attributes returned are very limited compared to the list of attributes returned when the ```` is specified. .. _feature-endpoints-locale: Locale ------ Results are supported in both English and French. The language returned is determined by the ``Accept-Language`` header. Default is English. .. _feature-endpoints-max-features: Maximum Features ---------------- A maximum of 55,000 features will be returned. If a feature API request would result in more than 55,000 features the system will return an error with a HTTP Status code of 403 (Forbidden), and a message telling the user they should add additional filter to limit the query results. The value ``55000`` is an application parameter and can be modified if required (see ``application.properties`` file). .. _feature-endpoints-feature-totals: Feature API Result Totals ------------------------- The Feature API response includes a Content-Range header that summarizes the total number of features that match the filters vs the total number of features returned. This can be used along with the max-results parameter to access the number of features that match a filter without having to load all features. Example ^^^^^^^ ``https://cabd-web.azurewebsites.net/cabd-api/features/waterfalls?filter=fall_name_en:like:fall&max-results=5`` The API call will return 5 features (max-results=5). However the response header will also include a Content-Range header that looks like: ``Content-Range: features 0-5/65``. The 0-5 tells us the only the first 5 features are included in the results, the 65 tells us a total of 65 features matched the provided filters. Therefore, if you want to just get the total feature count and no features you can use a max-results=0 parameter: ``https://cabd-web.azurewebsites.net/cabd-api/features/waterfalls?max-results=0`` This will return an empty feature collection, but the response headers will include Content-Range: ``Content-Range: features 0-0/729``, which tells you there are 729 waterfalls in the database. .. _feature-datasource-endpoint: Feature Data Source End Point ============================= ----- |ftdsid| |ftdsidflds| Returns the data source details for each attribute associated with the given feature id. By default this returns a reduced set of attributes: ``feature id``, ``attribute field``, ``data source name``, and ``data source feature id``. To include the complete set of attributes (``feature id``, ``attribute field``, ``attribute name``, ``data source name``, ``data source date``, ``data source version``, ``data source feature id``, add the query parameter ``fields=all`` to the request. .. _feature-datasource-endpoint-format: Format ------ The default output format of this end point is CSV. JSON format is also supported by providing the ``format=json`` query parameter: |ftdsidjson| .. _submit-feature-update-end-point: Feature Update End Point ======================== ----- This end point allows users to submit feature update requests. These requests are logged in the database and reviewed by CABD administrators before updates are applied to the feature. * URL: /features/ * METHOD: PUT * CONTENT-TYPE: application-json * BODY: json string containing feature update information * name, email, and description are required * organization, mailinglist, and datasource are optional * if a contact exists in the system with the given email then the name, description, organization, and mailinglist properties are overwritten with the new properties (if provided) :: { "name": "First Last", "email": "first.last@host.com", "organization": "", "mailinglist": , "description": "Description of feature update", "datasource": "Optional. Information about source of data update" } .. _submit-contact-end-point: Contact End Point ================= ----- This end point allows users to create a new contact or update an existing contact. Contacts are identified by their email address. If a contact already exists in the database it will be updated with the information supplied. If an optional field is not provided that field is not updated. * URL: /contacts * METHOD: PUT * CONTENT-TYPE: application-json * BODY: json string containing feature update information * name and email are required * organization and mailinglist are optional :: { "name": "First Last", "email": "first.last@host.com", "organization": "", "mailinglist": } .. _feature-vector-tile-service: Vector Tile Service =================== ----- The vector tile service creates vector tiles for the barrier feature types. Format ------ The only format supported for the vector tile services is mvt (mapbox vector tile). End Point --------- ``https://cabd-web.azurewebsites.net/cabd-api/tiles/{type}/{z}/{x}/{y}.{format}`` ``type`` must be a valid feature type. The attributes included in the vector tile are those whose "include_vector_tile" value in the feature_type_metadata table are true.